Dorian Dumont (FR)

French pianist and jazzman Dorian Dumont, based in Brussels and key member of the electro jazz band ECHT!, confronts himself with the challenging exercise of solo piano in a project focused entirely around
the artist Aphex Twin.

After a first album APHEXionS, he will release his next album on February 23, 2024, still reinventing pieces from the electronic music prodigy.
Aphex Twin’s music serves as a starting point for Dumont’s musical developments which are sometimes composed and often improvised, letting him find his own playing field around the concepts and the poetics of the genius of electro music.

In Dorian Dumont’s album APHEXionS the ingenuity outflanks the concept.
Demolishing sacred houses with impunity: not everyone can afford it. De Morgen

Clever! Humo

“APHEXionS” is an autonomous work in which jazz and minimalism go hand in hand. Luminous Dash

An XXL tribute to Aphex Twin. (…) The exercise in style proposed by Dorian Dumont sheds new light on the electronic heritage of the master. Over the notes, the repertoire indeed reveals unsuspected charms and so many reasons to renew the passion. Larsen Mag



Dorian Dumont — piano





2025sun25may15:54Dorian Dumont 'La Volte' *premiere*Les Nuits, Brussels (BE)